What is happening in Cindy's Piano Studio. I've been teaching for over 30 years and still love it.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Adventures in Music Listening - Christmas
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Have You Heard About B Flat
Friday, October 16, 2009
ETA-3 Concert
Makala and I enjoyed our evening together at the Jamestown Concert Association's presentation of ETA-3. The program by Tomoko Nakayama, piano; Emily Thomas, flute; and Alexey Gorokholinsky, clarinet was beautiful. The sounds from the very moment they began were breath taking. The atmosphere was set so beautifully when Emily Thomas began Debussy's Prelude to "The Afternoon of a Faun". She waited until all was quiet and then seemed to become the faun in her playing. Her playing of Ian Clarke's Zoom Tube later was so amuzing and in such a different character. She must be a very good actress as well. Makala enjoyed talking with her after the program and learning about how she got started in her music career and her acting on All My Children. Alexey Gorokholinsky displayed wonderful technique and velocity and musicality on the clarinet solo by Tchaikovsky, Russian Dance. He was fun to talk with afters also. Very down to earth and easy to communicate with. Being pianists, of course, Makala and I were watching Tomoko Nakayama very closely. Awesome! She was accompanist extrodinare! I sympathized with her on the page turning! She never missed a beat. Makala enjoyed seeing a professional's technique and watching her play was a delight.
All three were so friendly to both of us after the program during the reception. Oh, and I can't forget to mention the manager...now what was his name? He was very cute and fun! Oh yes, Reggie Bahl from Manhattan Music Ensemble, INC.
A very enjoyable evening.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fall Lessons Begin
an ensemble recital - students will play in groups of four, each will have their own part and instrument
a techno party recital - we'll use all the technology I can for this one: video, slideshow, orchestrations, keyboards, lights, camera, action!
There are three APT recitals also; however, I think we will only participate in the November 14th recital at Loyalton.
This year we will focus on nine composers, one each month. We'll listen to their music, read about their lives, and play some of their pieces.
I'm really looking forward to seeing all my students this week.
Happy Practicing!
Friday, September 11, 2009
A.P.T. Presents A Music Salon
For more information on A.P.T. go to http://www.cindyspianostudio.com/apt.html.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Anyone need a piano?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Adventures in Music Listening - Sweden
Adventures in Music Listening - Australia
That was our password upon entering the class. It was fun to hear the children's voices speak it with joy.
After finding Australia on the globe, we learned about some animals and sang Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport while watching a YouTube video of the song at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D-LmRNdQiQ sung by Rolf Harris. We then looked at some of the Aborginal art at http://www.aboriginalartonline.com/shop/region.php?type=10&local=14.
It was interesting to hear and see the didgeridoo at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC9w4KWEgJE.
We then danced the pieman to Waltzing Matilda, Australia's unofficial national anthem. We talked about some slang terms used in the song like swagman and billy and tucker bag.
After a game of Ostrich Tag,
They ate a snack of chocolate covered carmel (milk duds) which are popular in Australia and as they left they took a boomerang home.
It was a fun morning at Lakewood Memorial Library.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Words That Describe Cindy's Piano Studio
Making Music Fun
Fun, Musical, Expressive, Awe
Learning, Technology, Rewards, Recognition
Sought after, Needed, Peaceful, Stress-free
Music, Piano, Keyboard, Games, Teach, Encourage, Demonstrate, Correct, Perfect
Create, Listen, Train, Ensemble, Together, Team
If you are a student, do you have some more words to add? Please comment...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Glorian Duo Concert
Kendra and I went to The Glorian Duo concert sponsored by Jamestown Concert Association at St. Luke's this past weekend. Wendy Kerner Lucas, harpist and Donna Milanovich, flutist presented a beautiful concert of music through the ages from Concert Royal No. 4 in e minor by Francois Couperin (1668-1773) to Serenade No. 10, op. 79 by Vincent Persichetti (1915-1987). My favorite pieces was Suite Francaise, op. 114 by Paul Bazelaire (1886-1958). It has five movements that were beautiful. Ms. Lucas also played First Arabesque by Claude Debussy which was adapted from piano. The also played Nocturne for Flute and Harp by J. Naderman and J. Tulou, On Wings of Song, op. 34, no. 2; Sunday Song, op. 34, no. 5; and Suleika, op. 34, no. 4 by Felix Mendelssohn, Fantaisie, op. 124 by Camille Saint-Saens, and Cafe 1930 from Histoire du Tango by Asto Piazzolla. The majority of the music was by French composers. It was a very enjoyable evening. Even the ice cream at Friendly's after the concert tasted wonderful!

Saturday, March 14, 2009
APT Recital at LSS
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Another End-of-Book Recital finished
Congratulations, Sydney!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
End of Book Recitals
Monday, March 2, 2009
Makala's End-of-Book
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Piano Par-Tea
Saturday, January 17, 2009
In the Mood
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A New Year
Speaking of planning...I'm thinking about a piano par-tea which would be for five students at a time. We'll play our pieces, make some shrink art, and eat dainties and tea (black raspberry kool-aid).
I'm planning a duet session too. I need to keep these students busy so they stay out of trouble, right?