Hola! We traveled to Mexico today. The children brought in their handmade or purchased maracas and they each received a maraca pen. Mary brought in some jewelry, castanets, sombrero, and ponchos from Mexico.
I started out with a siesta ...
and I definitely needed one after a full day of playing freeze dance
and moving to the mexican music
and coloring chili peppers or sombreros while I read The Giant's Secret. You can read it here: http://www.drlamay.com/giants_secret.htm.
We actually had some balls go into Mexico City in the Mexico Toss game.
The children are all having fun in these sessions and so am I. Some of them are using their passwords in conversations, like saying "Jambo" instead of hello to friends. They get so excited about it that they pester their parents saying, "has she called with the password yet?". They tell their friends at YCare, "I'm going to Russia (or whatever country we are visiting) tonight." And then go back and tell them what they did in the country. They have discussions at the dinner table about what they've learned. Some homeschooling moms are using this as a teaching experience by asking questions after the sessions to reinforce what was learned that day. Some of the children even say they wish it was longer. That is one request I don't think I have energy for!
Next week is the last week. Stay tuned...
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