Students learning piano need to focus on the music, just like reading a book. The eyes need to be on the writing so they can see what is coming up next quickly. When they constantly look at their hands, they will lose their place in the writing which will cause the speed of the piece to be inconsistent. There is greater accuracy in reading when the eyes are focused on the music.
This is not to say that they should never look at the hands as there are times when we need to see where we are going, especially if it is a large leap. However, when the hands are not moving out of "position", the eyes should be reading music not checking where the fingers are on the keys.
How can you as a parent help? Check to see where there eyes are as you walk by and gently remind them to keep their eyes on the music as much as possible. Looking at hands unnecessarily is a habit that needs to be broken with practice looking at music.
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