November Students of the Month - Emma and Gloria
Did you notice in the title that we have two Students of the Month for November? That's because I've separated the Lakewood and Bemus Point piano studios. Congratulations, Emma M. of Lakewood and Gloria M. of Bemus Point. You were each chosen from the hat. Your name got in the hat because you practiced all month, were prepared at your lessons (could play your pieces), did your theory/games, and had a great attitude at the lessons.

Last year I interviewed each student about their likes and dislikes. You can view Emma's interview
here and Gloria's
here. If a student was not Student of the Month last year, I'll interview them about their likes and dislikes. However, both Emma and Gloria were Student of the Month last year and so I'm asking them one question:
What advice would you give to a beginning piano student on how to be successful at learning piano? Here are their answers:
Emma said to look at assignment to know what you are to practice. Good advice, Emma. Checking your assignment sheet every time you practice will help you stay on track for the week.
Gloria said to start playing hands alone, slowly, and don't rush, Play your pieces a couple times a day. More great advice, Gloria. Playing hands alone when you have a two-handed piece is an excellent way to learn the motions and notes of the piece. Practicing slowly will help you with coordinating the hands, playing the correct notes the first time, and keeping a steady beat.
Awesome advice. I wonder who will be December's Students of the Month?
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