Thursday, October 26, 2023

"C"s First Music Art for Cindy's Piano Studio

"C" has created her first piece of music art for Cindy's Piano Studio. Can you find the quarter note? Hint: the stem is the main trunk of the Christmas tree! "C" is ready for Christmas decorating! She has a great start on it.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Cindy's Piano Studio Welcomes "C" to Piano Lessons in Clinton, MO

"C" joined Cindy's Piano Studio in Clinton, MO on October 4, 2023. She also plays clarinet. She says that she has always liked piano and finds it to be an interesting instrument. Her favorite subject in school is science and her hobbies are cooking, baking, and singing Taylor Swift songs. Maybe soon she will be able to accompany herself while she plays. Hmmmm....we'll see how much she practices. Stayed tuned here for videos and music art from "C". Welcome to Cindy's Piano Studio!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

"D" is Learning to Read Music

"D" is learning how to read music on the staff. He has learned what clef signs the piano plays. Here is his picture of the treble clef in the sea!


"H" Russian Folk Dance Duet

It's been a while since we've seen and heard "H" play. Here she is playing a duet with Mrs. Robison called Russian Folk Dance. Yea!

Thursday, October 5, 2023

"D" Music Art Bass Clef

"D" is learning how to read music on the staff. His first symbol is a bass clef. You can see it turned around as a frown on his frog.

 Yea! "D"!