Monday, November 19, 2012

Piano Lessons Equals Better Grades

I love it when students learn the benefits of piano lessons for themselves.  At her first lesson of the year I asked a student what her goals were for piano this year.  Her statement was something like "keep taking lessons".  She said that when she was taking lessons previously with another teacher, she got all "As" in school.  She stopped lessons for a year and got mostly Bs.  When she started lessons with me, she got all As again.  She proved what I've known for 29 years...piano players are better smarter!

I don't have to quote all the research that has been done on the benefits of piano study.  I just have to teach and let the students discover for themselves.

As I think of my other students, I realize that they are great learners too and they go on to college for further learning. 

Yea! for piano

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